Phone: (03252) 222 064 / (03252) 223 004
Email: [email protected]
Lending Service: All Library members (Students, teachers, and non-teaching staff) may borrow book(s) from the Library through open access system.
Reading room: Student can take maximum 2 books at a time for reading through their Library card. There is also a separate reading room for the teachers in the Library.
Capacity: For student -
50 person.
For teachers- 15 person.
Internet: We have also internet facilities. Members of the Library may use the computer for browsing the world-wide information in his/her specific topic through e-learning center.
OPAC: We have already introduced Online Public Access Cataloguing system for the sake of users.
e-Resource service-We provide open educational e-resources through our website, via mail and/or through WhatsApp.
CD-Rom services: A member can take a CD of the specific subject for a day with permission to the Library staff.
Reference service: This type of service is given to the members throughout the Library hours.
Referral service: We also provide referral service to the members of the Library.
Newspaper clippings: We also maintain a separate register of newspaper clippings for the current and future benefit for the members especially for the students.
New arrivals: A separate notice board is arranged for displaying the information about the new arrivals of the Library.
Reprography Service
Library Extension Activities:
Program: Library
organizes orientation programs for the 1st year students to create awarenessabout
library sources and services.
Exhibition: Library organizes book exhibitions to
help the teachers/ students to explore and select books from the
Carrier Guidance Related Document Service
Repository: We maintain a repository of current as well as previous Question Papers of University and College both for the sake of student and teacher both.
Other Services
Total Visit: 00045571